The Tetra group technical meeting was held last week on the Isle of Skye in Scotland. Tetra currently consists of the following UK higher education institutions: UHI Millenium Institute (hosting), University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, and University of Hull. The meeting took place on the Sabhal Mòr Ostaig campus on the Isle of Skye.
The team discussed various Sakai related issues including hierarchical groups, entity system updates, and local projects such as evaluation system and breeze link tool. Possible JISC funded projects and future plans were also discussed.
Evening activities included boating to pubs, skimming stones on the Sound of Sleat, and debating whether wheat is corn. Pictures are available of the event under the flickr tag: tetraskyemay07. There is also a flickr image set created by myself that you are welcome to view. Thanks and Kudos to Sean Mehan of UHI for doing and excellent job of organizing the meeting and evening events.