- Elsevier Education Town Hall (St Louis, Dec 2014)
- Elsevier Adaptive Learning Brown Bag (Amsterdam, Dec 2014)
- Elsevier Architecture Summit - Education (Philadelphia, Oct 2014)
- Learning Analytics Initiative (LAI) showcase corner (Open Apereo 2014, June 2014)
- Learning Analytics Technologies (Open Apereo 2014, June 2014)
- What's new for Kaltura Media and Sakai (Open Apereo 2014, June 2014)
- Sakai Core Team Update (Open Apereo 2014, June 2014)
- Lightning Talks: Developers (Organizer/MC) (Open Apereo 2014, June 2014)
- Learning Analytics Initiative Discussion (BOF) (Open Apereo 2014, June 2014)
- Updates from the Apereo Learning Analytics (LAI) Community (Open Apereo 2014, June 2014)
- Sakai scaling and failover via cluster caching (Open Apereo 2014, June 2014)
- Sakai Bootcamp - Half Day (Developer training and exercises) (Open Apereo 2014, June 2014)
- Sakai 10 scaling (session failover, distributed caching) (Apereo Camp 2014, Jan 2014)
- Unicon Dev Forum - All Things Open summary (Online, Nov 2013)
- Lightning Presentations: Developing Day 2 (Moderator) (Open Apereo, June 2013)
- Sakai CLE Team Update (Open Apereo, June 2013)
- What's New in Kaltura CLE (Open Apereo, June 2013)
- Upgrading Sakai CLE from 2.6 to 2.9 without going insane (Open Apereo, June 2013)
- Lightning Presentations: Developing Day 1 (Moderator) (Open Apereo, June 2013)
- Third Party Integration Best Practices for Sakai CLE (Open Apereo, June 2013)
- Let the student activity streams flow. Sakai CLE and Tincan API (Open Apereo, June 2013)
- title (Open Apereo, June 2013)
- title (Open Apereo, June 2013)
- Sakai Implementation Bootcamp - Half Day (Developer training and exercises) (Apereo Conference, June 2013)
- Sakai CLE Release Status and Process (Sakai Mexico, April 2013)
- Sakai Tech Stack (Jasig Unconference, Jan 2013)
- Sakai and XML Security (Jasig Unconference, Jan 2013)
- UVA.nl Sakai Workshop for Students - 2 days (Amsterdam, NL, Jan 2013)
- Sakai CLE Technical Coordination Community update (as TCC chair) (Jasig Sakai Conference, June 2012)
- Kaltura Video in Sakai CLE/OAE (Jasig Sakai Conference, June 2012)
- Online Evaluations at UC Berkeley (Jasig Sakai Conference, June 2012)
- Lightning Session: Sakai Learning System (Jasig Sakai Conference, June 2012)
- Sakai CLE Team Status Update (Jasig Sakai Conference, June 2012)
- Sakai Workshop - Full Day (Developer training and exercises) (Jasig Sakai Conference, June 2012)
- Unicon Dev Forum - Maven Tricks (Online, Jan 2012)
- Sakai QA Intro (EuroSakai Amsterdam conference, Sept 2011)
- Community Participation Presentation (EuroSakai Amsterdam conference, Sept 2011)
- Kaltura OAE Integration (EuroSakai Amsterdam conference, Sept 2011)
- TCC meeting (EuroSakai Amsterdam conference, Sept 2011)
- Kaltura Sakai Media Gallery Demo (LA Sakai Conference, June 2011)
- Kernel, Maint, Release Management, and Security Teams update (LA Sakai Conference, June 2011)
- Kaltura Sakai Media Gallery Presentation (LA Sakai Conference, June 2011)
- Meet the Sakai CLE Technical Coordination Committee (LA Sakai Conference, June 2011)
- External integrations with Sakai CLE (REST) (LA Sakai Conference, June 2011)
- Sakai Workshop - Full Day (Developer training and exercises) (Sakai LA Conference, June 2011)
- Technical Coordination Committee Formation (Sakai Denver Conference, June 2010)
- Sakai Kaltura Integration Tech Demo (Sakai Denver Conference, June 2010)
- Sakai Kaltura Integration Presentation (Sakai Denver Conference, June 2010)
- Sakai Maintenance Team Update (Sakai Denver Conference, June 2010)
- Sakai Workshop - Full Day (Developer training and exercises) (Sakai Denver Conference, June 2010)
- Enhancing Your LMS & EDU Programs with Online Video (Webinar, May 2010)
- What is Sakai QA (Valencia EuroSakai Conference, Mar 2010)
- 10 ways to make a good Sakai release (Valencia EuroSakai Conference, Mar 2010)
- Sakai Best practices (Valencia EuroSakai Conference, Mar 2010)
- Programmers Cafe Developer workshop (1-day) (Valencia EuroSakai Conference, Mar 2010)
- Unicon REST/Sling developer presentation (Unicon Headquarters, AZ, US, June 2009)
- DSpace 2 Service Manager Framework (Open Respositories Conference, May 2009)
- OSGi lightning talk (Open Respositories Conference, May 2009)
- Programmers Cafe Developer workshop (1-day) (Stockholm EuroSakai Conference, May 2009)
- Sakai Developer Training (2-days) (UvA, Amsterdam, April 2009)
- You got your Java in my Python! (Intro to Jython) (JISC dev8d London, Feb 2009)
- Sakai REST APIs (JISC dev8d London, Feb 2009)
- Service Management with Spring and Guice (towards DSpace 2) (JISC dev8d London, Feb 2009)
- Programmers Cafe Developer workshop (1-day) (Sakai Paris Conference, June 2008)
- Sakai Marist Developer Training workshop (1-week) (Marist College, NY, US, June 2008)
- Intro to RSF (Intro to RSF framework) (The Spring Experience 2007, Dec 13)
- Sakai JCR integration and load testing results (Sakai Newport Beach, Dec 6)
- Writing high quality code for Sakai (Sakai Newport Beach, Dec 5)
- Introduction to the Sakai EntityBroker system (Sakai Newport Beach, Dec 5)
- Sakai Developer workshop and Ucamp (Developer training and exercises) (Sakai Newport Beach, Dec 3)
- Sakai training for Tata IS (Full week training in Sakai development) (TIS, Mumbai, India, August, 2007)
- Intro to RSF (JASIG, Denver, June 26)
- Programmers Cafe half-day Training (JASIG, Denver, June 24)
- Building Rich but Accessible Sakai Tools (Sakai Amsterdam Conference, June 14)
- Intro to Evaluation System (Sakai Amsterdam Conference, June 13)
- Intro to Confluence and JIRA (Sakai Amsterdam, June 13)
- Cafe/U-Camp Combined Session (Sakai Amsterdam, June 11)
- Programmers Cafe Training (Sakai Amsterdam, June 11)
- Programmers Cafe Training (South Africa, April 2007)
- Programmers Cafe Bootcamp (Sakai Atlanta, Dec 2006)
- Sakai CRIM Cafe Workshop in Montreal, Canada (4-day) (Sakai Cafe, Dec 2006)
- Formative and Summative Online Evaluations (2-part/4-hour workshop) (VT FDI, November 2006)
- Java Persistence and Hibernate (Virginia Tech Java Users Group, October 2006)
- Sakai Tetra ELF Cafe Workshop in Oxford, England (3-day) (Sakai Tetra Cafe, Sept 2006)
- JVM tuning (Virginia Tech Java Users Group, July 2006)
- Security and Auth/Auth in PHP (Virginia Tech Faculty Development Initiative (VT FDI), July 2006)
- User Interface Panel (Sakai Vancouver, June 2006)
- Sakai Providers BOF (Sakai Vancouver, June 2006)
- Sakai Requirements (Sakai Vancouver, June 2006)
- Programmers Cafe Bootcamp: Data persistence using Hibernate (Sakai Vancouver, May 2006)
- DCSS evaluation presentation (VT DCSS, April 2006)
- Intro to VT Evaluation (Virginia Tech Faculty Development Initiative (VT FDI), multiple 2006)
- Sakai Foundation Requirements Process (Sakai Austin, Dec 2005)
- Taking the Sakai Style Guide to the next level (Sakai Austin, Dec 2005)
- We all don't have to agree - Flexible UI design (Sakai Austin, Dec 2005)
Aaron Zeckoski is a technology leader recognized for his expertise in educational technologies and learning systems. He has been an open source architect working on learning systems projects like Sakai. This is a technical blog about software engineering, servant leadership, and whatever else.
Sunday, March 11, 2018
AZ Presentations Delivered before 2015
This is just a list of Presentations Delivered before 2015. Probably only interesting to me. More recent presentations of note are tracked in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/azeckoski/