Projects before 2015 (most recent at top):
- Apereo Learning Analytics Processor (Open source learning analytics processor framework (initially for student risk early alert prediction))
- Lead, Architecture, Java/Spring/Hibernate/REST/Kettle/Weka Development, Performance, Integration, Open Source - Java LTI starter app (Open source IMS LTI 1 and 2 based starter (sample) application written using Java and Spring Boot )
- Lead, Architecture, Java/Spring/Boot/Security/JPA/LTI Development, Integration, Open Source - Apereo Learning Analytics Initiative (Community initiative to build an open source learning analytics stack)
- Founding member, Leadership, Architecture, Community management, Open Source - LearninGateway learning system (SaaS social learning platform designed to integrate with institutional LMS and cloud services)
- Lead, Architecture, Angular/PHP/Slim/REST Development, Performance, Integration - Unicon Sakai Open Source Support and Sustaining engineering (Open Source community development and support subscription program for clients)
- Area lead, Java/Spring/Hibernate/JSF/JSP/Javascript/Sakai Development, Client relations, Summits, Docs, Open Source - Sakai Project Management Committee (PMC) (Technical leadership for Sakai Open Source Learning System - since 2011)
- Product direction & planning, Leadership, Governance, Community management, Sakai development, Open Source - Sakai Core Team (Core committer and maintainer for Sakai Open Source Learning System - since 2008)
- Architecture, Java/Spring/Hibernate/JSF/JSP/Javascript/Sakai Development, JIRA management, Core review, Code quality, Open Source - Sakai Kernel (Core Sakai Services Framework)
- Architecture, Java/Spring/Hibernate Development, Code review, Code quality, Docs, Open Source - Sakai Programmers's Cafe (Training and Docs for Sakai developers - since 2006)
- Lead, Training workshops, Wiki/Docs, Java/RSF/JSF/JSP/Spring/Hibernate/Sakai Development, Demo/Sample code, Presentations, Open Source
- APUS Sakai Scaling (Sakai horizontal scaling, cluster caching, and session fail-over)
- Lead, Architecture, Java/Spring/Hibernate/REST/Terracotta/Sakai Development, Performance, Debugging, Docs, Open Source - Cambridge University Press LMS Analysis (CLMS performance and architectural analysis and recommendations)
- Architecture, Java/PHP/MySQL/Moodle/Sakai/Drupal/AWS Development, Performance, Debugging, Docs, Support - Sakai/Kaltura Video Tool (Integrates Sakai with the Kaltura video platform, 3rd version offers new features and deeper data integration)
- Lead, Architecture, Java/JSP/Javascript/Spring/Hibernate/REST/Sakai Development, Performance, Docs, Deploy, Open Source - 2014 Apereo Program Committee (Conference program planning)
- Technical Track Lead, Proposal Review, Session Scheduling - Macmillan HigherEd Learning Systems Integration (Course and results integrations between Macmillan learning systems and Institutional client learning systems)
- Architecture, PHP/Slim/REST/SOAP/LTI/SSO Development, Angel/Brainhoney/Blackboard/Desire2Learn/PearsonLearningStudio/Sakai/Moodle/Canvas Integrations, Docs, Performance, Support, Debugging, Deploy, Administration - Glasslab Games (2013 Release) (Game-based SaaS learning system designed to integrate with institutional LMS)
- Lead, Architecture, Java/Groovy/Grails/Javascript/Angular/MySQL/Mongo/AWS/S3/LTI Development, Performance, Tuning, Support, Docs, Deploy - i>clicker Moodle Integrate (Moodle CMS block to integrate with the i>clicker classroom response system)
- Lead, Architecture, PHP/REST/SOAP/Javascript/Moodlerooms/Moodle Development, Docs, Deploy, Open Source - i>clicker Sakai Integrate (Sakai tool to integrate with the i>clicker classroom response system)
- Lead, Architecture, Java/Spring/Hibernate/REST/SOAP/Javascript/Sakai Development, Docs, Deploy, Open Source - English360 Language Learning System (SaaS Learning System for ESL with pre-built content from multiple publishers)
- Lead, Architecture, PHP/Cake/Javascript/REST/Apache/AWS/S3/CF Development, Performance, Client relations, Docs, Deploy, Administration - Unicon Sakai Test Drive (Unicon Sakai Demo system for client adoption)
- Java/PHP/REST/Sakai Development, Customization, Docs, Open Source - Entity Broker (Flexible entity system for Sakai with RESTful data interactions)
- Lead, Architecture, Java/Spring/REST/API/Kernel/Sakai Development, Docs, Open Source
- Glasslab Games (Alpha) (Game-based SaaS learning system - initial pilot version)
- Lead, Architecture, Javascript/Node/EJS/Express/Mongo/AWS/S3/LTI Development, Docs, Deploy - USU Sakai Tools enhancements (Sakai gradebook 2/assignments 2 features and fixes for USU)
- Lead, Architecture, UI, Java/GWT/RSF/Javascript/Spring/Hibernate/Sakai Development, Docs, Open Source - Brainhoney LMS Architecture Analysis (Brainhoney LMS standards compliance and architecture analysis)
- Lead, Architecture, LMS/SCORM/IMS/LTI/CC/CP/QTI Analysis, Code review, Docs - Docuseek 2 Architecture Advising (Advice on integrating Docuseek 2 with Media and Learning Systems)
- Lead, Architecture, SSO/OAuth/LTI/REST Development, Security - APUS Sakai Support (Sakai developer/admin training and 2.9 upgrade support)
- Lead, Java/Spring/REST/Sakai Development, Code review, Docs, Support, Open Source - Sakai/Kaltura Media Gallery 2 (Sakai tool to integrate with Kaltura video platform, 2nd version adds features and improves performance)
- Lead, Architecture, Java/JSP/Javascript/Spring/Hibernate/REST/Sakai Development, Docs, Deploy, Open Source - Unicon Sakai Cooperative Support/Development (Community source development and support subscription program for clients - until 2013)
- Tech lead, Java/Spring/Hibernate/JSF/JSP/Javascript/Sakai Development, Client relations, Summits, Docs, Open Source - 2013 Apereo Program Committee (Conference program planning)
- Technical Track Lead, Proposal Review, Session Scheduling - Kryterion Blackboard/Moodle proctoring integration (Integrations between Kryterion proctoring system and Blackboard LMS/Moodle CMS)
- Lead, Architecture, PHP/Java/JSP/Moodle/Blackboard Development, Code review, Docs - Kuali OLE Architecture Analysis (Architectural and tech stack review, recommendations, and fixes)
- Lead, Java/JSP/SOLR/JCR/Spring Development, Performance, Code review, Code analysis, Advice - Amplify Learning System (Custom Learning and Scheduling System for Mobile/Tablet)
- Java/Grails/Spring Development, Advice - Nucleus Academic Sakai (Customized Sakai with Scormcloud integration)
- Java/Spring/SCORM/Sakai Development, Advice - Kaltura Sakai Demo server (Customized Sakai server with Kaltura integration for client Demos)
- Lead, UI, Javascript/Shell/Sakai Development, Docs, Admin, Deploy - USU Samigo Calculated Question feature (Added Calculated question type to the Sakai Samigo Assessment Tool)
- Lead, Architecture, UI, Java/JSF/JSP/Javascript/Spring/Hibernate/QTI/XML/Sakai Development, Docs, Deploy, Open Source - USU Samigo Extended Matching feature (Extended matching question type in Sakai Samigo Assessment Tool to allow one-to-many and distractors)
- Lead, Architecture, UI, Java/JSF/JSP/Javascript/Spring/Hibernate/QTI/XML/Sakai Development, Docs, Deploy, Open Source - UC Berkeley Evaluation System (Sakai Evaluation Tool features and community fixes for UC Berkeley)
- Lead, Architecture, UI, Java/Spring/Hibernate/RSF/Javascript/Sakai Development, Docs, Support, Open Source - Duke Gradebook SIS link (Sakai Gradebook customizations to send grades to Duke SIS)
- Lead, Architecture, UI, Java/Spring/JSF/REST/XML/Javascript/Sakai Development, Docs, Open Source - Wake Forest Sakai Upgrade (Sakai 2.8 upgrade and customizations - TurnItIn, AS2, GB2, etc.)
- Java/Spring/Maven/SVN/Sakai Debugging, Support, Docs, Deploy - University of the Arts Sakai SIS integration (Custom Sakai UARTS Colleague SIS course enrollments data loader)
- Lead, Architecture, Java/Spring/Hibernate/JSF/JSP/Javascript/Sakai Development, Debugging, Docs, Deploy - University of the Arts Sakai Upgrade (Sakai 2.7 upgrade and custom tool installs)
- Lead, Java/Spring/Maven/SVN/Sakai Debugging, Support, Deploy - Cambridge University Press LMS Debugging (Sakai/Moodle hybrid system debugging and analysis)
- Java/PHP/Apache/Moodle/Sakai Debugging, Analysis, Support - Pratt Institute Moodle Tuning (Moodle CMS and server performance tuning)
- Lead, PHP/Apache/Moodle Tuning, Performance, Support - Connecticut College Moodle Tuning (Moodle CMS Performance and Server Tuning)
- Lead, PHP/Apache/Moodle Tuning, Performance, Support - Pearson International MyLab (Sakai Learning System customized for Language Teaching)
- Architecture, Java/Spring/Hibernate/JSP/Javascript/Sakai Development, Requirements, Support - Ellisdon Liferay (Liferay installation and customization for Ellisdon)
- Java/Portlet/Liferay Development, Support, Config, Deploy - UNC Sakai DB migration (Sakai database migration from MySQL to Oracle)
- Java/Sakai/MySQL/Oracle Development, DBA, Support, Performance, Deploy - Wiley Sakai server performance tuning (Sakai server cluster debugging, performance analysis, and improvements)
- Debugging, Java/Sakai Development, Support, Performance, Deploy - Duke Sakai E-reserves (Sakai Tool to provide access to Duke Library E-reserves)
- Lead, Architecture, Java/Spring/JSP/Javascript/Sakai Development, Docs, Open Source - Duke Sakai 2.7 adoption (Customizations and setup of Sakai 2.7 for Duke University)
- Lead, Java/Spring/Hibernate/JSP/Javascript/Sakai Development, Deploy, Docs, Open Source - Sakai Evaluation System (Tool for program and course assessment and evaluations for Sakai)
- Lead, Architecture, Java/Spring/AspectJ/Hibernate/RSF/HTML/Javascript Development, Performance, Docs, Open Source - Sakai/Kaltura Media Gallery (Integration between Kaltura video platform and Sakai to allow embedded hosted media in the LMS)
- Lead, Architecture, Java/JSP/Javascript/Spring/Hibernate/REST/Sakai Development, Docs, Deploy, Open Source - OAE Kaltura Integration (Integrates OAE with the Kaltura video platform to allow embedded media)
- Lead, Architecture, Java/OSGi/REST/OAE Development, Docs, Open Source - Opencast Matterhorn (Scheduling, capture, encoding, and delivery of educational media)
- Architecture, Java/OSGi/REST/JAXRS/JAXWS Development, Code quality, Docs, Maven Nexus, Open Source - Steeple Media Portal (Media portal for universities, JISC funded project)
- Lead, Architecture, Java/Grails/Groovy/Spring/JPA/SOLR Development, Code quality, Docs, Open Source - Unicon iTunesU Sakai integration for NYU (Integration between Sakai CLE and iTunesU podcasting service )
- Java/Spring/Hibernate/JSF/JSP/Javascript/Sakai Development, iTunesU XML APIs, Docs, Deploy, Open Source - DSpace 2.0 (Refactoring of the DSpace repository system)
- Lead, Architecture, Java/Spring/Guice/JCR/DSpace Development, Code quality, Docs, Open Source - Moodle Data Extract for McGraw-Hill (Moodle CMS Block which provides REST APIs to extract data about student learning activities )
- Lead, Architecture, PHP/REST/Moodle Development, Docs, Deploy - Sakai Maintenance Team (Elected lead for technical team from Q1-Q2 2010, charged with maintaining Sakai open source project)
- Lead, Java/Spring/Hibernate/JSF/JSP/Javascript/Sakai Development, JIRA management, Code quality, Docs, Open Source - Reflection Utilities Package (Reflection utilities for Java 1.5+)
- Lead, Architecture, Java/Library Development, Docs, Open Source - Google Summer of Code Mentor - DSpace REST (REST API and IMPL for the DSpace repository system)
- Mentor, Architecture, Java/REST/DSpace Development, Code quality, Docs, Open Source - Darwin Correspondence Project (Charles Darwin's correspondence online and searchable)
- PHP/Perl/Shell Development, Code quality, Docs, Deploy - Nakamura (later OAE) Kernel (Core Sakai OAE Services Framework)
- Java/OSGi/JCR/JAXRS/Sling/Javascript/Script Development, Code review, Code quality, Docs, Open Source - CamTools - Sakai @ Cambridge (Integration and extensive customization of open source Sakai learning system)
- Java/Sakai/Spring/RSF/JSF/JSP Development, Customization, Providers, Cambridge specific tools, Deploy, Code quality, Open Source - Sakai UX Project (Improving the Sakai 2 User Experience with a new frontend)
- Java/Spring/REST Development, REST Data feeds for Sakai 2 via EB, Open Source - Sakai AppBuilder Plugin (Eclipse plugin for Sakai Rapid Application Development)
- Lead, Architecture, Java/Eclipse/OSGi Development, Docs, Open Source - RSF (Reasonable Server Faces) (Java Web Framework)
- Java/Spring Development, Code quality, Distributions/Maven, Training, Community management, Wiki/Docs, Open Source - Generic Dao Package (Package for developers to work with persistent objects without writing DAOs)
- Lead, Architecture, Java/Spring/Hibernate/Library Development, Docs, Open Source - Hierarchy Service (Hierarchy entity structures for Sakai)
- Lead, Architecture, Java/Spring/Hibernate Development, Docs, Open Source - Sakai JCR Integration (JCR load testing and integration for Sakai)
- Java/JCR/Jackrabbit/Sakai Development, Performance, Code quality, Docs, Open Source - Conference Scheduler (Online conference scheduling for Sakai, supports Adobe Breeze)
- Lead, Architecture, UI, Java/JSP Development, Docs, Open Source - Recent Activity App (What's New (activity feed) in a Sakai course/site)
- Lead, Architecture, UI, Java/JSF Development, Docs, Open Source - Sakai Foundation Site tools (Web tools for conferences, etc. related to the Sakai Foundation)
- Lead, Architecture, UI, PHP/Javascript Development, Docs - Sakai Migration (Migration and Archiving in Sakai)
- Java Development, Docs - Conference Committee and Program Committee (Planning for the Sakai Atlanta conference 2006)
- Technical Track Lead, Proposal Review, Scheduling - Virginia Tech Online Course Support Helpdesk (now OLCS) (Web based support and ticket tracking system)
- Lead, UI, Architecture, PHP/XSLT/XML/Javascript Development, Docs, Support, Deploy - Sakai Skinning Contest (Contest and working group to make a new skin for Sakai 2.2)
- Lead, Architecture, PHP/Javascript Development, Organizing and Scheduling, Community relations, Open Source - Sakai Requirements (Requirements tracking and polling web app)
- Lead, Architecture, UI, PHP/Javascript Development, Requirements gathering, Community relations - Vancouver Conference Committee and Program Committee (Planning for the Sakai Vancouver conference and community source week 2006)
- Technical Track Lead, Approval and Scheduling, Member - Scholar (Sakai @ Virginia Tech) (Integration, extension, and customization of Sakai Open Source Learning System)
- Lead, Java/Spring/JSP/JSF/Velocity/Javascript Development, Customization, Administration, Deploy, Open Source - Virginia Tech Evaluation System (VT Tool for department, instructor, and course evaluations)
- Lead, Architecture, UI, Java/Coldfusion/Javascript Development, Administration, Deploy - Virginia Tech Blackboard Building Blocks (Blackboard learning system custom Building Blocks for Gradebook upload, SIS grades posting, and campus integrations)
- Lead, UI, Java/JSP/Javascript/BuildingBlock/Blackboard Development, Administration, Docs, Deploy - Faculty Development Institute Tracking System (VT Tool for faculty training courses and equipment management)
- Lead, Architecture, UI, PHP/XSLT/XML/Javascript Development, Administration, Deploy - ePortfolio (Open Source Portfolio @ Virginia Tech) (Integration and customization of open source student portfolio web app)
- Java/Javascript/API Development, Customization, Administration, Deploy, Open Source - Software Skills Gateway (VT Auth integration and tracking with commercial gateway)
- Lead, Java/JSF Development, Architecture, Docs - Atlassian Confluence/JIRA @ Virginia Tech (Management and administration of Atlassian suite)
- Lead, Administration, Deploy - Blackboard Learn @ Virginia Tech (Administration, integration, and configuration of CourseInfo / Blackboard learning system)
- Lead, Java/JSP/Perl/BuildingBlock/CourseInfo/Snapshot/Blackboard Development, Administration, Deploy